Received-SPF: none
I'm at the point of fitting the outrigger cuffs from the monowheel go faster
Uuuuunfortunately I had these painted prior to drilling the holes and can no
longer see the scribe marks that indicate where to drill.
Could someone with a monowheel go faster kit please measure the following for
Using the top of the cuff as a reference, project the centreline of the ourigger
arm down the cuff. Project a line perpendicular to this line to intersect the
centre of the scribe marks.
Measurement 1: Top of cuff to intersect line
Measurement 2: Length of intersect line from centreline to scribe mark
Wings almost ready to fly. Electrics almost done. Mod 70 almost done.
Discovering that fitting everything together after filling and painting is quite
"entertaining" :)