Yes dumping the squelch obviously allows lots of noise through but the
required signal can mostly be heard excepting my Home Base Wickenby on
122.45 but I believe that may be somewhat due to them using a hand held
---From in the club house, that's why other aircraft have started a "help
you out back up" by relaying base field info. to me when I'm
approaching. I haven't noticed them doing it for anyone else. Waddington
122.35 is "fives" both ways but they put out about 25 watts !
On Radio checks for departure I have to move to a holding point before I
can hear them. They get my transmission "fives" where ever I am.
I took the a/c to Wolverhampton(Half Penny Green) where there is an ICOM
service facility they claimed all adjustments were in spec. But wouldn't
fly with me to try some in flight adjustments. Mark Burton has suggested
to try "tweeking" the squelch adjust screw under the tape in the back of
the set but that has really not improved matters and I'm fearful that
I'd probably cock up the settings and need to pay more out to isolate
the fact that I have a known problem put simply that the AUTO SQUELCH is
a load of crap.
With the Europa recommended copper tape method and suitable balons etc.
as per Bob Archer it was marginally worse than with my Airworld antenna
pointing downwards. IMHO the problem is entirely due to the auto squelch
system taking out the required message. As I explained, you name it I've
done it to find a fix but I'm no radio ham.
I just can't see the point of an auto squelch control the damn thing is
not fit for purpose.
Just read this and it's mostly duplication of the original posting from
Sorry but now you have it twice!
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Bryan
Subject: Europa-List: Radio Reception
Hi Bob.
I have just re-read you mail from last week (cut-out below). I am
interested in the squelch aspect coupled with antennas. Does dumping the
squelch enable reception in these cases?
I note also that you are suffering in the 119 to 122 MHz range.
Do you have any further reference to the adjustment prescribed by Icom.
Regards, Bryan
<I haven't particularly noticed the problem in low or high frequency
contacts but if local Wickenby (122.45) based a/c hear me approaching
requesting join info. they manage to contact me and relay the info.
without the slightest problem. The Wickenby Base hear me "fives" on all
contacts but I don't hear them until almost over the field with the auto
squelch control dumped. The Wickenby base is more often than not a hand
held set probably with a lower wattage output.
I have recently done the revalidation test from 2000ft with Conningsby
on 120.80 at 30 miles over the North Sea without a problem but of course
with the auto squelch dumped! Yet to receive Humberside on 119.125 at 10
miles I must have the auto squelch dumped also.>