>From: Gerry Holland <gholland@gemini-resourcing.com>
>Mike Hi!
> > I would rather not have to penetrate the steel panel with the rubber
> tubing so
> > can anyone help with alternatives.
>Have you looked around at what the Rally and Off-Road Vehicles are using.
>They use a Bulkhead Fitting secured to a firewall and then connect each
>side. These connections can be for Metal or armoured tubing.
Not a good idea to go through the stainless tin firewall, it's rather
bendy, will vibrate and maybe even start to crack. Better to go inside the
cabin along the floor from beneath the seat to just behind the rudder
pedals, then straight up and through a bulkhead fitting in the roof of the
footwell. Now it will be easy to access when you need to change the rubber.
This is how Brian Fogg did it, (solid aluminium, even better) and it looks
very neat.
I just had a week's holiday in the local boneyard, Derby Royal Infirmary,
not serious but most uncomfortable. Now I have a crashed desktop and a big
pile of emails to sort, so it will be a while before I'm up to speed. If I
promised anyone anything please email off list.