But these are heavy and made of low grade steel. There ought to be a better
Duncan McF.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Davey" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Bond-able studs
> Folks,
> Has anyone out there ever come across any studs that can be bonded to
> fibreglass parts? I want to put P-clips on my aluminium fuel lines to hold
> them in place, but can=92t find suitable fixings for the clips as I
> don=92t
> always want to put holes through the piece I=92m attaching them to.
> I=92m thinking of something like an AN3-3A bolt with an extra large head
> intended for bonding.
> My alternative, I think, is to make some up out of AN3-3A bolts with the
> heads mounted in holes in 3mm ply, and the two ply faces laid up with bid.
> Thoughts welcome!
> Cheers,
> Jeremy
> Jeremy Davey
> Europa Monowheel 537M G-EZZA
> Europa Club Vice-Chairman, Webmaster, PFA NC Representative
> PFA EC Member
> =93If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, then it
> is
> possible you haven't grasped the severity of the situation.=94
> Tail done
> Standard XS wings with mods underway
> CM installed in fuse (with airbrakes fittings)
> 1420 build hours to date
> Intended fit:
> Rotax 914 turbo, Airmaster CS fully-feathering prop
> Lots of lights, buttons, switches, gizmos, and alarms