I would be very interested in your method of installing the springs.
Jeff - N55XS
99.9 hours
Sidsel & Svein Johnsen wrote:
>> The guy who had the springs made is Tim Weert
>>In Holland
>That is correct. I received the same (I assume) drawing etc. from Tim this
>summer, and ordered the pair from Alcomex in Holland. They were very nice
>to deal with, and I have now fitted the springs.
>I developed further Tim's recommended method of fitting them - it turned out
>to be much easier than I first feared might be the case because of the
>substantial spring force. If anyone elects to go this same route, let me
>know and I will post my method here on the forum.
>I also received from Tim a copy of a letter from EMIL sent to a Ducth
>builder, which although not constituting a formal approval, perhaps,
>definitely gave me the confidence to implement this mod. By the way, keep
>the safety wire even if you fit the stainless steel springs- it may still
>serve its mission in a really hard nose wheel landing.
>A225 - now in Norway - fuselage being trailered to the paint shop on
>Tuesday - then wings and control surfaces to be filled and sanded (!#!)