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Re: Europa-List: 914 Spark Plugs

Subject: Re: Europa-List: 914 Spark Plugs
From: Richard Holder <>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 10:09:19 wrote:
> In a message dated 17/11/2005 09:44:03 GMT Standard
> Time, writes:
> These plugs are over A310  from Rotax and even from a
> motorcycle shop they are over A32.50, i.e. more  than 
> double  the U.S. price. (and I know the chap in the
> shop and get a   discount!).
> Don't know how this got translated but it should have
> read... =A310 and =20=A32.50!
> Patrick

It went wrong again Patrick. This is an American site
which does recognise the pound sign so you must use GBP
instead of the pound symbol !

Just to confuse things Americans call # the pound sign,
which we Brits call "hash" or "sharp" in music. I only
worked that out recently, bit of a shock !

I assume you meant that the plugs were 10 GBP from Rotax
and 2.50 GBP from the bike shop !


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