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Re: Europa-List: Propellers

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Propellers
From: Sven den Boer <>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 00:16:28


SR 3000 seems good choice to me, will fit one myself early next year.
Beautifully crafted piece of prop I bought.
3 blades save noise and vibration and there is always the nice 2/3 blade 
compare on required diameter.
With a monowheel you definately would like to have some ground clearance.
I suggest you also check the archives, loads of stuff on props...


Sven den Boer
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "KARL HEINDL" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Propellers

> Propeller Experts !!
> I wish to upgrade to a CS prop with full feather option, the main reason
> being the feathering capability. The obvious choice for many is the
> Airmaster AP332. Now the Woodcomp SR3000 has the same options, and I 
> believe
> is a lot cheaper. In addition it has the option for a 2 or 3-bladed
> propeller. My question is this :
> What are the pros and cons between 2 and 3 blades, apart from the
> considerable weight saving of 4 kg. Why are we all using 3-bladed Warp
> Drives ? The Katana, which is a similar but much heavier aircraft uses a
> 2-bladed CS Hoffmann on a Rotax 912.
> Any ideas ?
> Karl

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