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Re: Europa-List: wheel landings [was: Flying a heavy Europa XS?]

Subject: Re: Europa-List: wheel landings [was: Flying a heavy Europa XS?]
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 19:33:00



I was lucky, I had the # 3 slot. Jim Thursby was tail end charlie.

We did get a few breaks, when Keith was changing film in the cameras, and when
he had each of us, join up, one at a time for individual pictures.

I didn't realize how tired I was until we broke formation and headed back to
Lakeland. But given the opportunity I would be first in line to do it again.


Fergus Kyle wrote:

>  After landing all four planes were refueled.  The two tri-gear's took over
> two
>  gallons each, more fuel than my mono wheel. I had used over a gallon more
> than the glider winged mono wheel,
> We were all at about the same airspeed, in the same area for the flight, so
> the conditions were the same on each aircraft.
> Jim:
>             That's got to be some smooth formation work.......   Any
> fourplane I've been in the poor old number four ran short a lot sooner than
> Lead. usually me.
> Ferg

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