Agreed. And it is possible to make hinge fairings with no open trailing edge
(or at least, in the case of the outboard hinge, very little (i.e. 1")). And
better shape and less frontal area.
Duncan McF.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred Fillinger" <>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Drag Reduction
>> Hi Fred
>> Do you think that fairings around the flap hinges are beneficial? I
> have
>> made them but am undecided abut mounting them. The frontal area of
>> the hinges isn't much and maybe the fairings will be adverse due to
>> more skin friction?
>> Tom Friedland
> That proposition sounds good to me, meaning not a whole heck of a lot!
> But once at Oshkosh, I asked Kim Prout why he didn't do that, and he's
> said to be progeny of an actual aerodynamicist. He said probably +/-net
> zero. Also, I think the Europa kit fairings are open at the back. Doc.
> Sighard Hoerner says very bad. Don't do that. Negative pressure
> streamline spills over the aft edge, looks inside the fairing and sees
> roughly ambient pressure and no one home have to have any fun with.
> Looks aft and sees unknown oblivion. So a pair of "vortex streets" are
> created, requiring energy to spin. Like "marching in place" when I was
> in the Army. :-)
> Reg,
> Fred F.