Done all that. No big surprises on a Europa (TD).
Duncan McF.
----- Original Message -----
From: "D Wysong" <>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Drag Reduction
> In the mid-90's, the Long-EZ/pusher drivers started looking at oil flows
> around all of the aero mod's they were making. New cowls with
> female/NACA ducts instead of the male/"P-51" inlets, new leg fairings,
> new downdraft cooling inlets, etc... all of these were tweaked using oil
> flows. A few REALLY fast airplanes emerged... while the rest (i.e -
> those that weren't interested in flying around with their hair on fire)
> got to enjoy the improved fuel economy.
> How about putting a little used engine oil to work and taking a few
> digital pics? It's easier to tell what the air is doing around those
> gaps and fairings and joints and inlets and such when you can SEE the
> air. Sure, you'll need a few rags afterwards... but it'll be worth the
> bragging rights if you end up with the cleanest streamlines around your
> latest 'speed' mod. ;-)
> Here's an example of a clean airplane + a little dirty oil:
> Just a thought...
> D