Very sorry to read what happened. I received my fuselage back from the
painter (who I will be proud to name!) in December, and the wings and
control surfaces two weeks ago. I will pass on his advice, although not of
much benefit to you but perhaps to others following in our steps, but first
a word re. the paint: Used Akzo Nobel's Aerodur (two-part), the same as
sold by Europa 2004. Very nice result, glossy and will be even better when
polished (much later!!), according to the painter.
My painter emphasised that the parts should not be wrapped or covered in
anything or in contact with anything preventing evaporation of the wet stuff
for as long as possible, to allow the paint to dry completely. Otherwise
tiny bubbles/blisters would result. He advised strongly against
transporting the wings back to my workshop with any support to the painted
surfaces (dried for one week in his paint shop, after curing at around 30
degr C for several hours following the spraying), so I used the arrangement
made for rotating the wings during painting also for transportation
(supported only at the spar end and at a fitting bolted to the wing tip
light fixture point). Now in my workshop, the wings are suspended from the
ceiling at the same points.
Asking him how soon I could apply vinyl self-sticking stripes etc. on the
painted surfaces, he was most adamant: Not before 3 months have passed,
provided you store the parts at normal room temperature.
A piece of encouragement to all those who are filling and sanding, or dread
this stage: I kept at it for more than 6 months. Gave up towards the end
on certain areas of the fuselage and had my painter do that (very
professionally done by him), but I persevered on the wings and control
surfaces. Now when I see it all painted, I have almost forgotten the
endless preparation work - it looks so beautiful with that shiny, white
paint, no dust particles, no pinholes - very, very rewarding! Don't give
A225 - XS Trigear - now in Norway - finding that upholstering also takes
time, used 35 hours on just covering the central tunnel with
leather - - - - -