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Re: Europa-List: First Flight, C-FBZI

Subject: Re: Europa-List: First Flight, C-FBZI
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:26:25

Thanks Jeff,

8 rather inefficient years on my part, then a wait since last September, 
first for Transport Canada approval on the Skydrive carb heat, then for 
the weather.
If I could get a fraction of your hours in this year, I'd be a happy man.


Jeff B <>
Sent by:
04/17/2006 10:41 AM
Please respond to europa-list

        Subject:        Re: Europa-List: First Flight, C-FBZI

Congatulations, Dave.  I know you're thrilled.  How long did the build 

Jeff - Baby Blue
164 hours wrote:

> My long term project finally took to the air on 16-04-2006 at London, 
> Ontario, CYXU.
> Chris Staines did the test flight, his third to date. The plane flew 
> straight and true, but with rather more leisurely performance than his 
> Mono.
> Chris also provided lots of advice, encouragement and assistance which 
> helped immensely in the completion of the build.
> The flight was short, due to a non functioning transponder, and the 
> necessity of maintaining amicable relations with the tower controllers. 
> Later when checking for the problem, I found that I had not re-connected 

> the antenna cable, the last time that I'd taken off the panel..... I 
> really could write a book on how to double your building time.
> Kit A061 is a tri-gear, foam wings, XS fuselage, 912S with Woodcomp C/S 
> prop. With the speed kit installed, cabin heat, vacuum system with steam 

> gauges, fire ext, first aid kit and ELT weighed in at 898lbs.
> Dave


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