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Re: Europa-List: RE: Good news, bad news

Subject: Re: Europa-List: RE: Good news, bad news
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 05:37:28

In a message dated 19/04/2006 09:51:50 GMT Daylight Time,  

The  Europa XS Rotax 914 engine manual issue 8, which i happened to have in 
my  hands, says quote"You should set the throttle closed stop so that a fully 

warmed engine idles at 1200-1400 rpm. Although the engine idles more smoothly 

at 1600 rpm or more, when landing the aircraft you will benefit from minimal  
residual trust." 
Makes sense, and i am thinking of a spring kind of closed  throttle stop, 
pull to fully close, release to normal 1600 rpm. Would that  work?

I think it is good practise to carry out landings and take offs with one  
hand firmly on the throttle.. In this case there is no need to have any sort of

automatic system which will give you a reversion to any particular throttle  


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