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Europa-List: Re: Good news, bad news

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Good news, bad news
From: Jim Butcher <>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:29:51


Sounds like you're getting close.

Be sure you set the prop limit switches.  Ours needed a lot of adjustment -
several turns.  Seems like we ended up with high limit at 5700 rpm.  Also
get a prop tach or something to check your Rotax tach - ours was 300 rpm
off.  Perhaps this is your taxi speed problem.  We're on grass, and find
that we don't need to use the brakes while taxiing at 1800 rpm.

Our empty weight is 966 lbs and CG is 57.98".  We modified John Wigney's
spreadsheet to figure various CG situations.  With our figures, using your
200# pilot, you would need to land with 4 gal of fuel.

We used 1500 lbs for our paperwork - remember the quote "what would NTSB
say?" in case of an incident, hence the higher weight.  In reality we do not
anticipate loading over 1450.  There is a note from Andy concerning CG at
1450 - basically the range is smaller above 1370 lbs ( I have a copy if you
need it).

Jim & Heather Butcher
N241BW still flight testing

Do not archieve

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