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Europa-List: Pitch servo indicator adjustment

Subject: Europa-List: Pitch servo indicator adjustment
Date: Sat, 20 May 2006 07:11:56

Working on making my Antiservo tabs do what they are supposed to do, I
found out that my Ray Allen servo indicator does not indicate at neutral
when I have tabs giving equal travel in both directions.

After ripping apart the servo, it was found there is no internal
adjustment, mechanical or electrical. I could made a mechanical shim, but
hard to get it stuck in place permanent to my liking.

Went the electrical trim route. By putting a external variable
potentiometer in series with the internal potentiometer, I adjusted the
external one till indicator was centered. In my case it was in series with
the orange wire, and 230 ohms was needed. I will install a fixed 230 ohm
resistor. If yours is off, it may need the resistor on the other side of
the internal potentiometer, not the orange.

Note when you take apart your servo to look close at the fool sliding
internal potentiometer, you will probably too pop out the slider drive
home spring. To reassemble, open up a 1/16" diameter cotter pin, and use a
triangular file to make a notch in the tip. That along with the small
blade on your mini Swiss army knife has things fitting together in short

Ron Parigoris

BTW I did not cut the Anti-Servo T-Bar slot according to scribe in the aft
lower fuse. What mine needed was a bit off compared to scribed lines. 

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