<<I was thinking of making the plenum
> .... so some of the air just goes into the engine area and less pressure
> is placed on the top of the box.
I had in mind doing that by means of leaving off the rubber sealing tongue
that contacts the top of the airbox, but in order to use any "surplus" air
for general cooling of the under-cowl/electrics and to allow automatic
venting of trapped hot air after shutdown. The loss in recovered pressure to
the air box is probably negligible as the cowl is already pressurised from
the forward facing nostrils (less what is lost through the exits). No
results yet or confirmation that the flow through the NACA doesn't reverse
at high AoA..
Duncan McF.
----- Original Message -----
From: "JEFF ROBERTS" <jeff@rmmm.net>
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 6:16 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Air Box Falling Off
> Hi All,
> I am currently adding some strength with 3 layers of bid around the tubes
> that the carbs connect to on the air box. They have started to collapse
> from the pressure of the clamps. I have had the whole box come off from
> the 2 rubber hoses 3 times. Yes I have the brace in the back going to the
> motor mount. I even safety wired it to the carbs and one of the wires
> eventually broke. It is the standard NACA on the top of the cowl with the
> 912-S. Has anyone else experienced this and is there another way of
> connecting it to the carbs or reinforcing the connection to the carbs?
> I believe it may be from the pressure of the ram air coming in from the
> over size NACA on top. I have all that air going into a plenum thats
> mounted to the top of the air box. I was thinking of making the plenum
> opening smaller so some of the air just goes into the engine area and less
> pressure is placed on the top of the box.
> All Ideas are welcome as I am out of them. Thanks in advance for any help!
> Jeff