It's a question of temperature and clamp pressure. Note that the tubes are
slightly conic. I found the whole box of pour design. I toke a negative of
it in two halves.
Then I made a new box with a mix of carbon and glass and I insert an
aluminium tube to match the carb intake. Carbon is conductive that is
whatfore I make a layer of glass in contact with the aluminium.
Great pleasure in building,
Karel Vranken. # 447 Mono XS Rotax 912S Airmaster CSU F-PKRL final control
september 7th.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 7:16 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Air Box Falling Off
> Hi All,
> I am currently adding some strength with 3 layers of bid around the tubes
> that the carbs connect to on the air box. They have started to collapse
> from the pressure of the clamps. I have had the whole box come off from
> the 2 rubber hoses 3 times. Yes I have the brace in the back going to the
> motor mount. I even safety wired it to the carbs and one of the wires
> eventually broke. It is the standard NACA on the top of the cowl with the
> 912-S. Has anyone else experienced this and is there another way of
> connecting it to the carbs or reinforcing the connection to the carbs?
> I believe it may be from the pressure of the ram air coming in from the
> over size NACA on top. I have all that air going into a plenum thats
> mounted to the top of the air box. I was thinking of making the plenum
> opening smaller so some of the air just goes into the engine area and less
> pressure is placed on the top of the box.
> All Ideas are welcome as I am out of them. Thanks in advance for any help!
> Jeff
> A258 Flying off the 40