Thanks good thought - however I always turn prop by hand and then check the
oil which is right at the top of the old style dipstick that i have.
My thoughts are that it is either something to do with the change in
vicosity as the oil heats up or the sensor. The mchanic here sayd that it
might also be the regulator sticking and then unsticking as the oil warms.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Donald Ingram
Sent: 12 August, 2006 23:08
Subject: Re: Europa-List: 912 oil pressure help
--> <>
If your oil level was very low, the pump might be sucking air while cold oil
slowly drains from the places it pumps to. After it warms and loses
viscosity, it returns to the pump more quickly, raising the pressure again.
Just a thought.
----- Original Message -----
From: "William Daniell" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 8:34 PM
Subject: Europa-List: 912 oil pressure help
> My 912 oil pressure is fine on start up then after 2-3 minutes drops to
> under 2 bar and then after a further 3-4 minutes goes back up to normal
> and
> behaves normally thereafter.
> Any ideas?
> Will