I had last weekend a wonderful opportunity
to learn to fly first time all together stick
controlled, tail and monowheeled,
engine quited machine with metric avionics.
It was a wonderful German Falke side-by-side
-seated motor glider, year model 1972.
My purpose was to understand beforehand my
soon completed Europas take-off and landing
characteries. It was a nice experience for a
Cessna boy like me. I am alive and Falke
is still flyable & landable. It was not a shock
at all, much easier than I thought before.
Is there anybody out there who has flied both
Europa Monowheel and Falke motor glider?
Could you please compare especially landing
qualities of those planes? I noticed that speed
just before touch was very important. It was
about 90 km/h = 50 knots. Also heading along
Gliding w/o engine was charming.
How about gliding wings to Europa,
can man still purchase a long wing kit?
Regards, Raimo
Raimo M W Toivio
OH-XRT Europa XS Mono #417, will be painted in few days
OH-CVK C172 Skyhawk, this year more than ever hrs
OH-BLL Beechcraft C45 w radial engines, still grounded
37500 Lempaala
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