I now have a Europa. My previous aircraft was a Falke. For the record the
Europa is in a different class.!
Falke: I remember having to pull the radio out of its housing when flying in
rain as the wet entered the back of the radio set
The biggest differences:
Speed Europa twice as fast
Load: Passengers plus fuel and 5Kilo of luggage total only for the Falke
Range: Europa twice the range
Falke Short field landing tricky with airbrakes (just wants to keep flying)
Taxing at GA airfield diffificult
Avionic panel limited spaces on Falke
Weather proofing better on the Europa.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Raimo Toivio" <raimo.toivio@rwm.fi>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 7:35 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Falke compared with Europa Monowheel
> All
> I had last weekend a wonderful opportunity
> to learn to fly first time all together stick
> controlled, tail and monowheeled,
> engine quited machine with metric avionics.
> It was a wonderful German Falke side-by-side
> -seated motor glider, year model 1972.
> My purpose was to understand beforehand my
> soon completed Europas take-off and landing
> characteries. It was a nice experience for a
> Cessna boy like me. I am alive and Falke
> is still flyable & landable. It was not a shock
> at all, much easier than I thought before.
> Is there anybody out there who has flied both
> Europa Monowheel and Falke motor glider?
> Could you please compare especially landing
> qualities of those planes? I noticed that speed
> just before touch was very important. It was
> about 90 km/h = 50 knots. Also heading along
> runway.
> Gliding w/o engine was charming.
> How about gliding wings to Europa,
> can man still purchase a long wing kit?
> Price?
> Regards, Raimo
> ==========
> Raimo M W Toivio
> OH-XRT Europa XS Mono #417, will be painted in few days
> OH-CVK C172 Skyhawk, this year more than ever hrs
> OH-BLL Beechcraft C45 w radial engines, still grounded
> 37500 Lempaala
> Finland
> tel + 358 3 3753 777
> fax + 358 3 3753 100
> gsm + 358 40 590 1450
> raimo.toivio@rwm.fi
> www.rwm.fi