count me in on this topic... my tri gear could benefit from toe brakes=0Are
gards,=0APaul Boulet, N914PB, >Malibu, California=0Anearly flown off the 40
hours=0A=0A=0A----- Original Message ----=0AFrom: R.C.Harrison <>=0ATo: Sunday, January 21, 2
007 12:52:23 PM=0ASubject: Europa-List: Toe Brakes /Trigear=0A=0A=0AHi! All
=0AI have a friend who is looking to change his rig over to toe brakes/comb
ined rudder pedals.=0AWe know there=92s two aircraft out there with this fa
cility , to save =93re-inventing the wheel=94 so to speak can anyone shed l
ight on which aircraft and any contact details of the owners concerned?=0AE
-mail me directly please at =0A =0ARegards=0ABob Ha