I'm rebroadcasting this email it didn't seem to make it to the list.
Im one of the three builders of XS Tri-Gear G-CHOX. We will soon be having the
aircraft painted shiny white, and are starting to think about the exterior
graphics. Some questions for the forum:
1. Has any one used a UK graphic designer, and what were the costs and results?
2. Can anyone recommend a UK graphics company to produce the transfers or
vinyl decals?
3. What are the things to watch out for?
4. The Registration Letters kit sold by Europa 04 has letters which are
smaller than those mandated by the CAA in CAP 523. Is this a problem that
one can ignore as most seem to?
5. The Europa Decal Design Kit sold by Europa 04 (as shown on the demonstrator
G-KITZ) assumes no registration letters on the fuselage side, only on the tail
fin. This would be totally unacceptable to the CAA, wouldnt it?
Any other thoughts or advice would be welcome.
Goff Moore
G-CHOX Build Group: Peter Field, Ian Swankie, Goff Moore.
Visit - www.EuropaOwners.org