Unless the sky falls... Count on me being there!
A258 N128LJ Gold Rush
On Jan 29, 2007, at 7:05 PM, Paul McAllister wrote:
> <>
> Hi all,
> When I was at Sun =91n Fun last year Jeff and I got to talking and
> thought
> that there were enough Europa aircraft now flying in the US for us to
> get
> together for an annual fly in. I have got together with Jeff and over
> the
> last few months we have researched venues and potential times.
> Jeff and I would like to invite the Europa community to join us at
> Rough
> River, Kentucky for an informal get together of flyers, builders and
> aviation buffs from August 31 to September 2, 2007
> Rough River is part of the Kentucky State Park system with its own
> airport
> (2I3), camping facilities and a lodge, which is walking distance from
> the
> airport. The lodge offers both rooms and cabin style accommodation.
> Rough River offers walking trails, fishing, beach, golfing and a large
> marina that has rental craft of all sizes available.
> At the time of writing plenty of accommodation is available, however
> this
> quickly fills as the weather warms up.
> For more in Rough River take a look at
> -86.506925&spn=0.0124,0.0124&q=37
> .609777%2C-86.506925%20(2I3)
> For reservations call 800-325-1713
> Please let me or Jeff know if you are contemplating attending. It
> would
> help us better plan the event if we have an approximate head count.
> Jeff can be contacted at
> Paul can be contacted at
> Paul & Jeff
> PS Please pass this onto anyone you know who is not on the Europa
> list.
Jeff Roberts
Roberts Marketing & Media Management
615-355-7575 Office
615-406-8651 Cell