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Europa-List: Rotax training

Subject: Europa-List: Rotax training
From: Jerry Rehn <>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 15:58:09

Hello All

I have just returned from a 3 day training program on the maintenance and 
trouble shooting of the 912 914 series engines.The class is given by the 
only North American company, Rotech Research Canada Ltd. to be Factory authorized by Rotax to provide 
training for the 912 and 914 aircraft engines.These guys really know their 
stuff and have a vast amount of field work experience. That is not to say 
Lockwood is any less qualified , I know they are good too, but to give 
people a choice of places to go. If you live on the west side of US or 
Canada it sure is a lot closer. They are located in Vernon BC. In any case I 
strongly recommend taking a class. I have owned both a 912 and 914 and 
performed maintenance but my confidence level went up dramatically, I 
learned a lot!
I now am a certified rotax maintenance tech or at least that's what the 
coffee mug says that they gave me! Get out there and take a class!


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