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Europa-List: RE: New US Rep for Europa

Subject: Europa-List: RE: New US Rep for Europa
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 15:56:48
 Flightcrafters is alive and well as Bob said.  They are building all kinds 
of planes up at kzph, their new digs.
I spoke to Russ last week and he is certainly still ready and able to help 
Europa fans.

Bud has the old Flightcrafters barn in Seffner.  I spent a very pleasant 9 
hours with him last week.
As I mentioned previously, Bud is a former USAF fighter jock and career 
officer with a degree
in Aero Engineering.  He was a great help as my main construction 
consultant during the FlightCrafter days.
The shop has about 6 europas in varying states of construction at the 
moment. Bud cranked out a couple of
motorglider wings recently, and has designed a neat new gantry system for 
fitting and storing wing sets.
They allow a single person to install MG wings and were about $2500 a set 
if I recall correctly.
He also has built a couple of nice enclosed trailers for Europas(heated 
and cooled!).

I don't think he was ready to sign the papers with E04 yet, but maybe the 
E04 website reflects changes
since last week.

Ira  N224XS

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