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Europa-List: Re: stalls & spins

Subject: Europa-List: Re: stalls & spins
From: Mark Burton <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 15:25:19


Thinking back to the conversation last year on stall+spins and the recent 
in GASCO Flight Safety about cheese (you have to read the article to 

Some of you may be interested to know that I am now producing Mk2 SmartASS units
that not only provide the features of the MK1 units (talking ASI, and audible
speed director) but it also features an accelerometer that measures the G you
are pulling and factors that into the speed director calculation. It works very
well as an aid to preserving the "stall speed margin" as well as making flying
a stabilised approach ridiculously easy.

I must stress that the SmartASS is not a stall warning device.

The Mk2 units also feature audible undercarriage and general alerts.

As ever, technical blurb, prices, etc. can be found at



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