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Re: Europa-List: 914: fuel over airbox pressure

Subject: Re: Europa-List: 914: fuel over airbox pressure
From: Jerry Rehn <>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 16:46:32

UMA gauges makes a gauge specifically for measuring the difference between 
the fuel pressure and air box pressure. The difference in pressure ( fuel 
pressure above air pressure) must be between 2.18 and 5.08 PSI. This gauge 
measures the difference which is much easier than using two gauges and doing 
the math. The fuel pressure is measured at the starboard outlet of the fuel 
pressure regulator. A banjo bolt fitting is connected at that point to form 
a T. The air pressure is connected in the line that goes to the airbox 
pressure sender via another T. Both of these lines are connected to the UMA 
sender which in turn electrically sends the info to the gauge on your panel. 
The gauge has range markings on it for the 914. I have had mine for two + 
years and it works great and was easy to install. Check out spruce for more 


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