I had the same problem. I made a "pig-dick" out of Redux/flox and put it on
the tip of the flap-pin (thick mixture).I made it into a cone and after cure
sanded it smooth. Bevare not to sand the pin itself, though. I roughened and
degreased the very tip of the pin before applying the mixture. After
lubrication the pin - with plenty of lubrication - hits the hole before the
wing pins enters. The bearing orientates nicely on the pin and rigging goes
effortless. The cone is ca. 2.5 cm long.
Hope this helps.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Raimo Toivio" <raimo.toivio@rwm.fi>
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:06 PM
Subject: Europa-List: A Long Pin
> All
> Do you have any idea where to get
> a long pin to install to the root of the
> flap? I mean about inch longer than
> the standard pin which is about 1" long.
> Or is it any way to make the original one
> longer by lenghtening it some how?
> My purpose is to change it just to aid rigging.
> I have some difficulties to rigg the port side wing.
> The bearing in the flap cross tube turns away
> when the pin try to go inside. Finally when rigged,
> all is just perfect and the flaps moves 27 degrees.
> I think when the pin is longer, it could go in more easily
> (before those wing root fore and aft pins).
> I found some talkings about this topic.
> It was on the forum 13/3/2002. Somebody had exactly
> same problem. Andy D wrote the bearing should move
> only 5 degrees. Is that really so? My bearing is turning
> VERY easily 360. I tied to contact him (PFA) but did
> not get any comment (I am a PFA-member).
> Any other ideas to solve my rigging problem?
> My port side wing takes one hour to go in - stbd side one minute.
> Regards, Raimo
> ==========
> Raimo M W Toivio
> OH-XRT Europa XS Mono #417, completed
> OH-CVK C172 Skyhawk, under reinterioring
> OH-BLL Beechcraft C45, w radial engines (grounded)
> 37500 Lempaala
> Finland
> tel + 358 3 3753 777
> fax + 358 3 3753 100
> gsm + 358 40 590 1450
> raimo.toivio@rwm.fi
> www.rwm.fi