Just talked to a guy tonite at the EAA meeting who was finishing up an RV7
and has had
nothing but problems with the Dynon engine monitoring system. (The Dynon f
light instrument
system has been good tho) He says even their downloadable updates don't wor
k. Very unhappy customer!
From: EuropaXSA276@aol.comDate: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 16:58:13 -0400Subject: Re:
Europa-List: EFIS thoughtsTo: europa-list@matronics.com
Hi Trev.
I'm looking very close to your same setup. But using the large Dynon in p
lace of the Blue Mountain.
What is that back up instrument between the Airspeed and the Altimeter? It'
s not an electronic miniature horizon is it?
It is not clear to me if full size ASI ALT and AI will fit in the panel und
er a Dynon D100. It looks too tight.
There are a number of option for 2 1/2" AS and ALT but few Attitude indica
tors. The only one I have found is from Mid West Instruments. They offer a
small trio pack. ASI ALT and AI
The 2" trio backup set from Mid West is unbelievably expensive. I would lik
e to consider options to that same setup
Brian SkellyEuropa XS TriGear #A276North Texas USAYou can see my build phot
os at:http://www.europaowners.org/BrianS
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