It might seem a little unsophisticated but I have had one of these pcflight
systems egyro connected to an iPaq as a portable backup for rentals and
latterly in my own Zenith. I bought on spec thinking that the price was
sufficiently low for it not to be a disaster if it didn't work. In the
event it has worked very well. Craig Sellers has always responded rapidly
to questions and he quickly replaced a unit which did not "talk" to my GPS.
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2007 15:58
Subject: Re: Europa-List: EFIS thoughts
Hi Trev.
I'm looking very close to your same setup. But using the large Dynon in
place of the Blue Mountain.
What is that back up instrument between the Airspeed and the Altimeter? It's
not an electronic miniature horizon is it?
It is not clear to me if full size ASI ALT and AI will fit in the panel
under a Dynon D100. It looks too tight.
There are a number of option for 2 1/2" AS and ALT but few Attitude
indicators. The only one I have found is from Mid West Instruments. They
offer a small trio pack. ASI ALT and AI
The 2" trio backup set from Mid West is unbelievably expensive. I would like
to consider options to that same setup
Brian Skelly
Europa XS TriGear #A276
North Texas USA
You can see my build photos at:
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