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RE: Europa-List: The child is born!

Subject: RE: Europa-List: The child is born!
From: Jac van Heeswijk <>
Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 19:28:48


Ik heb een ongelofelijk aantal felicitaties gehad n.a.v. de eerste vlucht
van PH-LOB. Dat heeft me nog blijer gemaakt dan ik al was. Het is geweldig
om lid te zijn van een grote club, familie, vriendenkring en op deze manier
de sympathie van velen te mogen ervaren.  Hartelijk dank daarvoor aan
iedereen. Sorry dat het een beetje onpersoonlijk moet. Hopelijk zien wij
elkaar binnenkort, dan kunnen we het er nog eens over hebben. Op ons
gemakkie. Sjaak.

I've got an unbelievably number of congratulations on occasion of the maiden
flight of PH-LOB. That has made me even more happy than I already was. It's
fantastic to be a member of a big club, family, friends circle and receiving
this way the sympathy of so may people. My very cordial thanks to you for
that. Sorry not to be able to personally express thanks to everybody.
Hopefully we shortly will meet again and have an extensive chat about
everything. At our very ease! Jack

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Karl Heindl
Sent: zaterdag 28 april 2007 16:04
Subject: RE: Europa-List: The child is born!

Congratulations, Jac. At least you made it in the end. Now all you have to 
do is get behind the controls yourself. 8 years ? I would never have had the

patience myself.

Best regards,


>From: "Jac van Heeswijk" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Europa-List: The child is born!
>Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 14:20:47 +0200
>After eight years of stumbling down and getting up again, hope and despair,
>many nights of puzzling and as many of working, lying still for weeks and
>taking up the thread again, it is finally so far. PH-LOB (nr. 394) took to
>the air on Wednesday 25 April 2007 in the capable hands of it's developer
>and test-pilot Ivan Shaw.
>Ivan's comment on the first line of the journal: "All controls and 
>good. No wing drop. An excellent flying aircraft."
>The fun can start now. And I am not just a little proud of that!
><< image001.jpg >>
><< image002.jpg >>

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