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Europa-List: Woodcomp propeller controls

Subject: Europa-List: Woodcomp propeller controls
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 10:11:04

        I have discovered (not for the first time - but again...) that being
familiar with operating these types of device is far from installing them!
I appreciate the chat regarding their relative positions - something which
will get more thought after your messages.
Where would you put the 'reverse/unreverse'? - near the throttle or up the
instrument board? - I was hoping to provide the light indicating full
reverse at the top of the panel near the line of sight ahead so as to react
more quickly to reverse being ready. I thought to join 'reverse ready', 'oil
pressure drop', 'angle-of-attack' led and 'over/under-volt' and 'fuel
pressure drop'lamps up high for more conspicuous notice and reaction.
Cheers, Ferg

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