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Re: Europa-List: Outrigger legs

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Outrigger legs
From: Fred Klein <>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 10:19:36

On Sunday, May 20, 2007, at 03:20  PM, Andrew Sarangan wrote:

> I also noticed that the nylon legs are preventing my flaps from fully
> retracting. The upper limit of the flap movement seems to be limited by
> the nylon legs coming in contact with the FL3 plate, and this is
> slightly short of the condition required to get the flap and aileron
> perfectly aligned. Anyone else notice this?
> One thought was to locally shave the nylon legs where the FL3 is coming
> in contact. All I would need is another 3mm of travel at the FL3, which
> would translate into something larger at the trailing edge of the flap.


The condition you describe is not something I've encountered nor do I 
recall any postings by others which might indicate this is a common 

Before you start shaving things...if I was in your shoes...I would 
consider checking all the elements which contribute to the geometry in 
question; e.g., I would set the outrigger mechanism aside and verify 
that the flap positioning is correct, the gap between wing closeout and 
flap LE is constant, and reposition the large template over the top of 
the wing. I would de-mount the flaps, and pull out the template used to 
position the FL plates. I would check the template itself for correct 
dimensions and angles.

Something seems amiss to generate the contact you describe.

Hope this helps,


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