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Re: Europa-List: Propeller choice - Whirlwind?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Propeller choice - Whirlwind?
From: Gilles Thesee <>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 14:12:07

Andrew Sarangan a crit :
> Thanks for that information. Whirl Wind is local for me (Ohio), and I
> had not realized that their 100-series prop was designed for the
> Europa. It looks like the photo on their website is also that of the
> Europa. But I am a bit uneasy about modifying the 914's oil system, and
> also about losing the auxilary pad (which I had planned for a second
> alternator). I spoke to Whirl Wind and they said an electric governor
> is a possibility, but I did not press him for details.

Andrew and all,

Here are some thoughts :

- The 91X series drive pad does not turn fast enough to provide 
significant output from available alternators. You won't have more than 
about 12 amps.
Here is a more efficient way to add an alternator (French only at the 
moment I'm afraid...). The original idea is from a Europa builder.

- According to the feedback from numerous CS prop owners, an electric 
prop is much more troublesome than a hydraulic one. Most of them are to 
slow to be actually constant speed.

- Concerning the PV 50 blades, no wonder they are so good : they were 
originally designed for the MCR/Ban-Bi by French aerodynamicist Michel 

- By the way, no one seems to mention the MT Propeller designs with 
Colomban blades, used on the MCR 4S. The aircraft size, weight and speed 
are similar to the Europa.

Gilles Thesee

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