Clearly our friends at the PFA had to do something to put their minds at re
st. They did mod 73!
They have made it clear that they do not necessarily blame disbonding as th
e source of the accident. The excercise of installing mod 73 has caused all
of us to make a very thorough check of the bond. We can be confident that
our aircraft are sound as a result.
Should it transpire that no TP6's have disbonded it will have illustrated t
hat there was not much wrong with the design. So, Why is'nt someone request
ing feedback from each aeroplane. Was your tube disbonded when you checked
it, or not?
If the PFA are not researching this information, may I suggest that the Eur
opa Club should do so? It would not be difficult to carry out such a survey
, and the result could be posted to this listing quite quickly. I am confid
ent that such a survey would give many of the doubters a great deal of reas
Meanwhile, I join David Joyce in having every confidence in the tailplane o
f my little lady, and I look forward to mounting her again very soon.
Bryan Allsop G BYSA (Sadie).
See what you=92re getting into=85before you go there.