In one high speed VNE dive some years ago, I accidently bumped the stick
forward. I immediately began I very high speed PIO that could have gotten
real ugly. Relax, relax, relax. One more oscillation I could easily see p
arts leaving the aircraft!
Glenn> Subject: Europa-List
: A request for adequate information from the PFA> From: ira.rampil@gmail.c
om> Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 14:45:41 -0700> To:> >
he appropriate time of course,> > I would greatly appreciate the forebearan
ce of the PFA folks in> providing a complete report on Williams accident. T
he current> "official" information leaves me wondering what the appropriate
> response of Europa owners outside of the UK should be.> > The observation
that the tailplanes departed is sort of a chicken vs> egg issue. Did they
depart from self-excited flutter induced failure,> or was there a mechanica
l defect (which has been suggested) or was> there perhaps an excessive g co
mmand doublet (cf Airbus).> Were the tailplanes recovered and examined? Wha
t was their forensic> exam result? We have not heard about whether the pip
pins were> still in place or absent. Was the foam pulled through? These wou
ld> seem to be vital evidence for what happened.> > What were the data from
the radar track. I have heard speeds ranging> from 90 to 160 kts. I have a
lso heard straight & level flight vs. probable> high g 180 turn prior to fa
ilure. I think these data make a difference.> > The wings folded. That is s
upposed to be a > 13g event. was it the same> event that took the stabs, or
is this a theorized contruction defect also?> > Were there any contributor
y pathologic findings? (not a morbid request,> I am an FAA designated exami
ner)> > If changes are needed to the airframe, I'd like to make the right o
nes.> Until then, I think I will sit back in my plane and await the informa
tion> I can act on. Hopefully, this means when I drop in to Oshkosh next> w
eek, it will not be from greater than 500' AGL> > --------> Ira N224XS> > >
> > Read this topic online here:> >
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