At the appropriate time of course,
I would greatly appreciate the forebearance of the PFA folks in
providing a complete report on Williams accident. The current
"official" information leaves me wondering what the appropriate
response of Europa owners outside of the UK should be.
The observation that the tailplanes departed is sort of a chicken vs
egg issue. Did they depart from self-excited flutter induced failure,
or was there a mechanical defect (which has been suggested) or was
there perhaps an excessive g command doublet (cf Airbus).
Were the tailplanes recovered and examined? What was their forensic
exam result? We have not heard about whether the pip pins were
still in place or absent. Was the foam pulled through? These would
seem to be vital evidence for what happened.
What were the data from the radar track. I have heard speeds ranging
---From 90 to 160 kts. I have also heard straight & level flight vs. probable
high g 180 turn prior to failure. I think these data make a difference.
The wings folded. That is supposed to be a > 13g event. was it the same
event that took the stabs, or is this a theorized contruction defect also?
Were there any contributory pathologic findings? (not a morbid request,
I am an FAA designated examiner)
If changes are needed to the airframe, I'd like to make the right ones.
Until then, I think I will sit back in my plane and await the information
I can act on. Hopefully, this means when I drop in to Oshkosh next
week, it will not be from greater than 500' AGL
Ira N224XS
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