A hint for all monowheel builders: There have been reports on this list
about problems with the undercarriage system not going overcenter as it
should to provide a safe operation on ground. Take it serious and check your
landing gear frame before you install the retraction lever, the retraction
lever guide plate and the flap actuating horn! I didn't and had to learn the
hard way (once more...) that too much confidence in the quality assurance
system of the (former) Europa company bites you. After final assembly of the
landing gear I found out that there was no overcenter locking at all,
because the stops in the landing gear frame were so long, that there was a
"before center stop condition". A lot of filing in an unpleasant position
had to be done, followed by modifications of the retraction lever guide
plate, the flap actuating horn and who knows what else will come.
My recommendation: Check your undercarriage overcenter condition! If you
dont know how, Ron Parigoris explained it previously on this list and others
made usefull comments. You find it all in the list archive.
Happy building to all of us not yet flying!
Alfred Buess
Laenggasse 81, CH-3052 Zollikofen, Switzerland
Europa XS #097, Monowheel, Foam shortwing, Rotax 912S, Airmaster 332 CS