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Re: Europa-List: 914 Turbo switch on sequence ?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: 914 Turbo switch on sequence ?
From: Craig Ellison <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2007 06:49:01
Hi Bob,

I think you're hearing the turbo servo searching which is normal as far 
as I know.  I have just 90 hr on mine with no problems.  Sounds the same 
as when installed.  I'm sure others have more experience.

craig ellison
XS Mono
Silverton, OR
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: R.C.Harrison 
  Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2007 5:29 AM
  Subject: Europa-List: 914 Turbo switch on sequence ?

  Hi! You Rotax Turbo 914 buffs/operators.

  My new turbo system effectively completes its testing sequence on 
switch on but...whilst the motor is stopped there is still some 
electrical activity like intermittent buzzing with the engine off .

  Is this normal is it safe to allow it to continue?

  Would appreciate a speedy response to this message.


  RegardsBob Harrison G-PTAG 




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