Bob, The plane relies on an awful lot of 'glue' to stick the bits of glass
Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ
----- Original Message -----
From: "R.C.Harrison" <>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 10:39 PM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Play in tailplane drive - Loctite
> Steve,
> IMHO I can not imaging how anyone could force you to use such a mickey
> mouse fix as glue? And what's more I can not imagine the PFA giving its
> blessing ? At what loading does it separate? What repeatability of
> performance can be shown ? How can degreasing be guaranteed? Unless it
> is used for destructive testing! Better use Jubilee clips least
> that is a known quantity factor! The PFA wouldn't clear that either !
> Regards
> Bob Harrison.
> PS Sorry but I can not contain my opinion any longer!
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of steve v
> Sent: 10 September 2007 21:58
> To:
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Play in tailplane drive - Loctite
> Hi, Do you Know if we will be forced to Loctite the torquetube together?
> I for one do not want to willingly use loctite, i would prefer to use
> Bobs clamps as
> removal would be far easier.
> steve vestuti G-CEBV #573
> Visit -