Jeff & Will,
While I was building mine I did basically the same but placed the wings in a
black plastic bag and let set in the sun all day.
the temps were in the 110 Deg F and have had no problems. However, I did the
same with the flying surfaces and did have a problem
on the ailerons. I had to pull them back off, straighten them out and then
re-cure them in an oven to 175 Deg F for a few hours. Have had no more
problems with them since then. It's amazing how hot these things get in the
sunlight on a hot day. I consulted with a "expert" on
the cure temps and he basically said to cure them at least 20 deg F over the
hottest temps you expect the surface to get to. While I was flying the
Diamond Katana, the sensor that is in the cockpit and has leads to the
outside surfaces was a no fly set off at 150 deg's f.
Al Stills