May I suggest you remove the rubber slings altogether and replace with heavy
duty carpet cut in a triangular shape (actually its diamond shaped before
you fit it) so that there is at least 12 inches of support at the leading
edge. Make sure there is at least 3" clearance between the leading edge and
the base of the sling support (and also pack some foam here in case the
slings stretch).
It is possible to fit a (wide) strap over the outboard ends of the flaps to
prevent the wings from bouncing up and down in the slings. Make sure they
are clamped securely at the root ends and use packing if necessary.
Also make sure the base of the tyre is tightly packed into the U channel
(ie: that it fits). If necessary over inflate the tyre (once it is in situ).
If you dont the fuselage may tip over and the flap tube ends contact with
the top of your wings and dent them. You may consider taping carpet covered
squares to the wing surface where this could occur. If the fuselage is
properly supported in the channel which grips the top of the wheel swinging
arm there should not be that much movement but if not you will need to use
packing strips (glued into place).
Also carry the tailplanes inside your vehicle and not on the trailer if
Apologies if im repeating what others have said.
Carl Pattinson
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fergus Kyle" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 2:47 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Trailer tips -ATTN Paul McAll
> Paul,
> I have trailered my plane and bits several times account bedroom
> squeeze at home and have had some damage.
> [1] The rubber slings mar the wing badly. Produce some heavy polythene
> plastic (6mil) pieces 8"x80" and folded lengthwise to cover the slings and
> prevent old rubber marking the wings;
> [2] Cover the pip-pins locking the slings in place (at the bottom) with
> heavy foam to prevent the road bumps from banging the leading edge into
> the
> pins - very work-making repair;
> [2A] Duck tape soft foam bundles to the inside top edge of the sling
> frames to prevent damage to the fuselage sides, as I haven't been able to
> stop SOME motion of the fuselage nearby;
> [3] Initially inspect the slings for deterioration (mine were ten years
> old) and cracking, because if they let go the wing drops onto the pin.
> (The
> permanent fix is to redrill the pin holes to one side - out of the way);
> [4] Use long bungee cords to hold the wings down into the slings - this
> will prevent excess bobbing on the bumps;
> [5] I have not found any cover for the trailer which won't flap somehow
> and damage a delicate finish - choose a good day, and stay off the stones,
> sand;
> [6] Use inner tubes elastics or short bungees over the bolt ends to
> clamp the outriggers vertical and fabricate two (or four) vee-shaped
> sheets
> to slip over the aileron ends to prevent motion;
> [7] Depending on speed, fabricate a 3- or 4-layer fibreglass loop shaped
> to prevent the rudder from flapping (it's out front). This also stops the
> tailwheel from shimmying in the lock and the fuselage from side-to-side
> wander;
> [8] If you must trailer in poor conditions, make some soft funnels to
> cover the wing trailing edge root corners to prevent inevitable cover
> holes
> from flapping. Same for tip trailing edges.
> [9] Use some form of pulley to double the draw of the tailwheel tightly
> enough to lock the mainwheel up easily. Mine requires some compression of
> the main tire to seat that tail properly.
> [10] If it's first time, you will want to ensure the mainwheel 'bucket'
> folds up outside and against the gearswing arm as tight clearances there
> assure vertical state of the fuselage. It marks but who cares?
> My personal experience is that 40 bungees is not too many a number to stop
> flapping.
> There's always an excuse for one more...........
> Hope that helps
> Ferg
> PS: I modified the spar boxes on the trailer so that they clamp securely
> to
> the spare on both sides - one is built to accommodate the spar 'tunnel' in
> the heavyweight mod.
> Don't use the stab pipes - I'm still trying to rescue a plastic pipe end
> from inside a stab. Hope you saved the foam forms the stabs came in -
> ideal
> holders.