We followed Dave Anderson's lead and registered our Europa as an Airplane /
We did that by adding a statement to the Program Letter that says it's
a glider with long wings fitted and an airplane with short wings fitted.
Our Op Lims that the FAA gave us has that same statement in it. Our
Certificate also says Airplane / Motorglider.
Your pilot license shows your ratings, mine says ASEL; Glider; Instrument
FAR Part 1 defines an "airplane as engine driven, fixed wing aircraft" and
defines "glider as ..whose free flight does not depend principally on an
So when my Europa is configured with the short wings, it is an airplane
and I use my ASEL. When it is fitted with the long wings it is a glider and
I use my Glider Rating.
In a similar manner, the FAR's require that I have a current Medical Cert when
I exercise my ASEL privileges. I do not have to have a Medical Cert when I
my Glider privileges.
There is also a note in AC21.17-2A para 7b that states that for a motorglider
must show that the calculation of max weight to wing span squared must not
exceed .62 lb/ft squared. I calculated this for a short wing XS and I got
for the original glider wings (42.6 ft wing span) I got .77; for the current
wings (47.25 ft wing span) I got .61. So you must have the new style wing
tips to be legal.
In reality none of this matters UNLESS you are ramp checked or involved in an
incident or other action that gets the FAA's attention.
Bud, Thank you for making the Motorglider POH available. I didn't know it
(even been told by E04 that it didn't!). This makes operation of the
much safer!
Paul, since my license says Instrument Airplane, I can't operate as a
Jim Butcher
N241BW Almost together again!
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