Hi Dan
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Few comments on your plane:
Did you install a down detent spring for latch?
Did you verify that LG08s are in fact overcenter at least 1/32"? (don't
want much more than 1/16")
Did you peen over the 4 screws for Andair 375 gasculator? There are 4
dimples under the flat heads of the screws meant for center punching to
hold them in place?
Did you take a look at the beautiful stainless drains offered by Andair
for their gasculators? (Especial for the gasculator)
Looking at your fuel system, you may as well get rid of Andair 375 as
things are now, it is nothing more than a single point to catch all debris
that can pass right through Europa filters! And I love 375s! First off
Rotax in fact has fuel schematic that depicts only 1 gasculator. Clog that
single point and second pump will do you no good. Current Europa suggested
schematic I like much more better, it allows second pump to pull from
second filter if needed! I know some folk only use 1 gasculator, but
especial on Europa, can do better. Supplied filter will not pass much
water. It will however pass debris that will for certain clog the 375. So
why have a gasculator downstream of filters that will not help you out
with water catching, but just sit there waiting to be clogged by debris
and allow motor play "Silent Night" since you don't have second path for
fuel to get to your series with bypass system? I went with Europas
schematic except used 2 375s instead of filters. In your case, if it were
I, would can the filters before the selector, and either plumb 2 supplied
filters as per Europa schematic and get rid of the gasculator, or get rid
of 4 filters and install another gasculator and have 2 gasculators supply
as per Europa schematic. Another option if you could pull it off, is have
Gasculator supply pump #1, and have dual paralleled filters supply second
location of Europa schematic. Yup I like last choice if installing a
second 375 is problematic.
Did you clean the filters in your fuel pump after a few hours of running?
If you didn't probably worth while. See:
for some good 914 info
I would not consider using Mini, in a perfect clean world will probably
work, but very little surface area, stick at least with 375s or supplied
filters instead of Mini.
I don't have full knowledge of the Teflon lined hose you speak of, but I
would be very careful using automotive Teflon lined hose in an aeroplane.
If you use Aeroquip racing braided Teflon lined hose, be ready for a
soaker hose spouting fuel. Works on ground, not in air. See:
Picture 113 in your fuel system has too tight of a bend radius, it is
collapsing hose. No good.
Just my opinion, only intention is in bettering aircraft, and learn if I
am off track. Please don't take as an attack.
Please you or anyone else beat up anything you don't like bout N4211W:
For info on this post see folders:
914 modular fuel system
Spring loaded down detent
Ron Parigoris