yes i was of the same opinion that the tab ON the aileron while functional
is less desirable than
a servo on the system itself, and given the size of the ailerons compared to
a tab, only a millimeter
or so of adjustment should be needed to trim imbalances
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Rick Stockton
Sent: Monday, 10 December 2007 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Aileron Trim servo
I remember seeing this trim setup for another airplane and decided to do
the same for the Europa. I think it was on an RV-6 or 9. I tried looking
through my URL that I have saved, but could not find it. I don't think it
would be to hard to set it up. I'm working on the cockpit module now and
will be installing the aileron push rod in the next couple of weeks. That
was one of the mods I will be making. I did not like like the trim out on
the aileron and covered it back up. I'll sent you some of the pictures as I
start to work on it.
craig bastin <> wrote:
Can someone point me in the right direction to an article i saw (here i
2:51 PM