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Re: Europa-List: Secondary Fuel Pump, correct or not

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Secondary Fuel Pump, correct or not
From: Kingsley Hurst <>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 22:40:01

Hello Ron,

You said :-
>Granted for most part it will not be a problem, but you can pretty easily
> get level I feel can be critical if you get an air leak, nose low during
> landing with low fuel, running on main of tank and right hand pattern
> would put outlet of Gasculator above fuel level.

At the risk of sounding pedantic, what is the significance of your reference 
to the "right hand pattern" ?

I suspect you are saying that because you are turning to the right, the fuel 
will move away from the fuel pick up in the tank ?
This will only happen if the turn is not balanced.  A slipping turn to the 
right will have the same effect as a skidding turn to the left and vice 
versa as far as the fuel movement goes.
It the turn is balanced, irrespective of the direction of turn, the fuel 
will stay in the same place as when flying with wings level.


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