Hi Jos
"over 120 liters, and over 135 liters with 2 pumps on."
This is probably very close to what I tested.
I have a UMA differential gauge, and a UMA fuel flow gauge. I asked Ed if
he could give me a switch to read just outgoing sender on my analogue
display, but was not cost feasible.
I think you have a nice feature being able to read total flow one pump at
a time and both pumps.
To make total flow number mean more, you could do a couple of tests:
Go to full power on 1 pump, then turn off fuel selector, a little bit at a
time till you see differential pressure needle begin to go down, and below
2PSI and note your fuel flow.
Would be nice to see difference between lower and higher altitude.
If you don't mind sharing these results it would be greatly appreciated.
The fuel pressure regulator has a built in restriction. You need to meet
the required flow rate that will create enough pressure because of this
restriction to crack open the regulator and allow fuel to flow into the
carb float bowls. Each system will be slightly different due to execution
of system.
You have the opportunity to learn what this flow rate is at various
altitudes (thin air, high boost most flow rate will be needed because
motor is gobbling up some flow, and you need higher regulator pressure
when boosting and since you are trying to overcome airbox pressure that is
absolute, when ambient pressure lowers, you need more regulator pressure
compared to higher ambient pressure).
Ron Parigoris