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Re: Europa-List: Trouble Shooting Turbo Issue

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Trouble Shooting Turbo Issue
From: Garry <>
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:51:09
Further to Ken's advice I found a spray can product called "Blaster" 
works much better than mouse milk for freeing up stuck turbo wastegates 
and other internal parts.  This product is sold in almost all auto parts 
stores here in the US.

Garry Stout
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:51 PM
  Subject: Re: Europa-List: Trouble Shooting Turbo Issue

  I suggest you look into the end of the turbo and determine if the 
blades are spinning freely. I had a similar problem and it was stuck 
turbo blades.  The solution for me was to get a twelve point socket and 
gently turn the turbo blades after spraying the area with mouse milk(a 
turbine bearing lubricant).  It sound like you are getting some but not 
all of the turbo.
  ken  N 9XS 914 Mono

    -------------- Original message -------------- 
    From: "Paul McAllister" <> 

    > Hi all, 
    > I am looking for some ideas on a problem with my 914T. I had the 
    > carburettors overhauled by Lockwood aviation and after 
reassembling it 
    > I have a new problem. 
    > I can get 34" of boost at 100% throttle setting on take off at 
    > msl, but when I climb the maximum boost available decreases with 
    > altitude. For example I get about 27" at 8,500', and 24" and 
    > So far I have checked the following: 
    > - Reseated / checked the TCU cable connections to the air box 
    > - Checked for leaks / tightness on the carburettors 
    > - Checked to see if th e wast upport ====== 

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