Part of the bell crank is outside the fuselage shell as well, in the area of
the hole in the side of the fuselage. I assume this is normal, since the
dimensions are set by the hole spacing in the wing spars. Can you or someone
please confirm this?
Yes, the bell cranks move outside, that's normal. From your reply i now
that the brackets are rotated - top out bottom in - Yes, you should correct
it. The inside of the brackets, after glassing in, should be about 90 degrees
to the sides. The manual also calls for the brackets to be squared up, also
that is quite important to make fitting the wings easier.
Thinking back, i see now what my problem was here. Later, when fitting the
the manual calls for a check of the line up of the bell crank. One of them
was not in line anymore, while i am quite sure it was ok in the stage you are
in now. The brackets, until glassed in, are flexible enough to be pushed around,
out of square. That must have happened, not much, but just the 5 millimeters
that were missing. Please check the squareness again before glassing :-)
Jos Okhuijsen
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