My Michelin tires are from ACS , 500x5, part no. 06-00016. It seems a vey t
ough tire, but I have no idea how it
compares to the other makes. They also have the really expensive Michelin a
ir tires, which would be worth getting
if they last at least twice as long as the cheaper ones.
From: europa-list@matronics.comSubject: RE: Europ
a-List: Trike Main gear socketsDate: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 23:29:12 +0100
Hi! All/Karl Heindl
I=92m wondering if you=92d kindly share the detail sizes, specification and
source of the Michelin Tyres you are using. I would like to order my next
set to do my own comparison =85..prices and all ? I have recently replaced
mine and have been using a more square profile of tyre recommended by Watts
Tyres but must confess I haven=92t the detail without removing spats to in
spect them.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----From: [mai] On Behalf Of Gary LeinbergerSen
t: 31 March 2008 22:23To: europa-list@matronics.comSubject: RE: Europa-List
: Trike Main gear sockets
I think you are correct - given the nature of the Europa beast - trying to
make the wheels square and toed in properly, given you build it without the
engine weight in it, and with no adjustment - the cost of new tires is jus
t the way it is -
From: [mailto:owner-europa-list-serv] On Behalf Of Karl HeindlSent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 1:
56 PMTo: europa-list@matronics.comSubject: RE: Europa-List: Trike Main gear
Gary, I think you are right, but then every Europa is a little different.
I followed the manual very carefully, and have not experienced any real pro
blems, not with tracking anyway. The tire wear is on the outer edge, and wh
en the profile has worn off I reverse the tires to wear the other side. I m
ay do this a couple more times and in theory the tires will actually last l
onger than with symmetric wear.The original tires didn't last very long as
the rubber was much softer and there is no steel re-enforcement. I now hav
e Michelins. Karl<html><div></div>> Subject: RE: Europa-List: Trike
Main gear sockets> Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:03:50 -0400> From: Gary.Leinbe> To:> > --> Europa-List mes
sage posted by: "Gary Leinberger" <>> > I s
pent a great deal of time trying to engineer a vernier type setting> for ad
justing the toe in - but after discussing it with several people> was told
it works out - normally - my fear is when I do it I may not get> it just ri
ght and have tracking problems - maybe the way to adjust it is> to use crea
tive landings - a friend of mine (to be un-named) managed to> bend his - of
course this would only work in one direction - :-) - > > Oin the interest
of getting this thing done prior to receiving my first> social security che
ck I am going to go with the manueal and measure> about fifty times - > > >
Gary Leinberger > A237 > Slow and Unsteady > > -----Original Message----->
From:> [mailto:owner-europa-list-se] On Behalf Of Robert C> Harrison> Sent: Thursday, March
27, 2008 2:46 AM> To:> Subject: RE: Europa-List:
rison" > --> <>> > Hi! Michael> IMHO there has been i
nsufficient attention paid to this question of> loaded toe in. G-PTAG is to
o heavy on tyre wear and when winched> backwards up the trailer ramps the r
everse toe is really excessive. I> last used washing up soap on the ramps w
hich shows the tyre scrubbing> instead of deforming.> It almost calls for a
control system at the top of the gear legs to be> able to "vernier" the to
e setting?> Regards> Bob Harrison G-PTAG> > -----Original Message-----> Fro
m:> [mailto:owner-europa-list-server] On Behalf Of Michael> Grass> Sent: 27 March 2008 00:52> To:> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Trike Main gear socke
et>> > Duncan,> > I can not give you any ideas how the tracking will change
once the plane> is loaded. I believe based on the geometric setup, the gea
r will flex> out (getting wider) and will toe in. I am not sure yet how I w
ill be> able to> > measure it but definatly will try once the plane is load
ed but this will> > still take quite some time. This summer I hope I get th
e wings closed> and all liftpins, crossbar and the flap drive tube in.> > R
egards> > Michael Grass> A266 Trigear Detroit> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Duncan & Ami McFadyean" <>> To: <euro>> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 7:46 PM> Subject: Re:
Europa-List: Trike Main gear sockets> > > > --> Europa-List message posted
by: "Duncan & Ami McFadyean" > > <>> >> > Mic
hael,> > Any thoughts (or measurements) as to how the tracking changes once
the> > > weight of the aircraft is placed on the legs (that have been set-
up to> > > zero toe-in/toe-out)?> >> > Duncan McF.> > ----- Original Messag
e ----- > > From: "Michael Grass" <>> > To: <europa-list>> > Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 9:33 AM> > Subject: Re: Eu
ropa-List: Trike Main gear sockets> >> >> >> Hi Rob,> >>> >> The complaint
I have is to myself that I do not find the time to do> more> >> building. I
enjoy time spend on my plane. The point I tried to make> is > >> that> >>
the builder spend quite some time on the web for the main gear> sockets.> >
> Even without the top on you spend a lot time bending over.> >> Building s
hould be fun. It is more fun if you work smart and try to> have > >> as> >>
easy access as possible. To me, time spend building is therapy. What> you>
>> don't want is therapy after time spend building so work smart and> enjo
y > >> the> >> quality time spend with your project.> >>> >> What I did, I
used bondo and stuck 5 reference points to the garage > >> floor. 3> >> alo
ng the centerline of the fuselage. One in the front, one in the> center > >
> of> >> the main gear legs and one in the center under the fin. all lined
up> and > >> on> >> the exact same height and in level along a line.> >>> >
> Then I bonded with bondo the endpoints of the main gear legs to the > >>
floor.> >> Again made sure with Pythagoras help that it was square to the c
enter> > >> line> >> and on the same> >> level.> >>> >> After that I rolled
my fuselage cradle over those points and used M12> >> threaded rod as a he
ight adjustment to level the fuselage over my 3> >> reference points along
the center line and clamped the main gear legs> > >> into> >> position.> >>
> >> This kept the fuselage the whole time igid and secured in place.> >>>
>> I kept this setup in place till the top fuselage was bonded on.> Nothing
> >> moved and all is plum, squared and level.> >>> >>> >>> >> Regards> >>>
>>> >> Michael Grass> >> A266 Trigear, Detroit> >>> >> ----- Original Mess
age ----- > >> From: "Rob Housman" <>> >> To: <europa-li>> >> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 10:36 AM> >> Subject: RE
: Europa-List: Trike Main gear sockets> >>> >>> >>> --> Europa-List message
posted by: "Rob Housman"> <>> >>>> >>> We cuss a lot.>
>>>> >>>> >>> Best regards,> >>>> >>> Rob Housman> >>> Irvine, CA> >>> Euro
pa XS Tri-Gear> >>> A070> >>> Airframe complete> >>>> >>> -----Original Mes
sage-----> >>> From:> >>> [mailto:ow] On Behalf Of Michael> > >>> Grass> >>
> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 6:14 AM> >>> To:>
>>> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Trike Main gear sockets> >>>> >>> --> Europa-
List message posted by: "Michael Grass"> <>> >>>> >>> Cr
aig,> >>>> >>> My web took some 80h to complete without thhe top on. I can
not> imagine> >>> how> >>> peope do this with the top and no frequent visti
ts to the> chiropractor.> >>>> >>> Regards> >>>> >>> Michael Grass> >>>> >>
> A266, 914, Woodcomp prop,> >>>> >>> ----- Original Message ----- > >>> Fr
om: "raggi6771" <>> >>> To: <
m>> >>> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 12:15 AM> >>> Subject: Europa-List: Tr
aggi6771"> <>> >>>>> >>>> Just curious, how many of y
ou fitted the main gear leg sockets> before> >>>> you bonded the top on.> >
>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> Visit -> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>
>> >>>> >>>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > > > > > -- > Checked by AVG. > 25
/03/2008 19:17> > > >======> > > href="http://www.matronics
tion"> - The Europa-List Email Forum -
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